
My eczema began when i was three months old and has always been a huge part of my life, it’s affected my self confidence among other things. I’ve tried so many treatments: homeopathy, chinese medicine, ayurverdic medicine, etc. Conventional medicine didn’t help in the least, doctors told us there was no cure, that i’d have to just live with it and put cortisone creams on, but they only ”covered up” the real problem. My skin wasn’t too bad, it was bearable, i knew more or less how to control it but i longed to wake up in the morning and feel comfortable without the open wounds and dry skin. Then earlier last year i tried homeopathic medicine, scariest experience of my life… I had seriously bad mood swings and on a school trip to Rome my skin ”exploded”, i was head to toe covered in red blotches apart from the eczema that had gotten worse. After a few unsucessful treatments i was reffered to Dr.Umbert and although we were weary (mostly because it was so expensive) it definitely paid off. I’m not fully cured yet but with the help of Dr.Umbert and his team of chiropractors and psysiotherapists along with at least a weekly snorkling/swimming i should be cured before i reach my 18th (hopefully). I want to thank him for all his unappreciated hard work and going that one step further to find cures for things that other doctors have overlooked or really just don’t care about. I highly recommend him to anyone facing something similar

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